Jewish Life in Lüneburg

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About Us

Today, after National Socialism, expulsion and murder in the Holocaust, only very few, often rather hidden traces of Jewish life can be found in Lüneburg. The website wants to make these traces visible by giving names, narrating life stories and locating biographies within the town. 

The chairman of the Society for Christian-Jewish Cooperation, Hans-Wilfried Haase, says: "Our aim is to keep alive the memory of what once belonged to our culture, to our town. We owe that to the victims and their families." At the same time, this work is a mandate to younger generations. "The horrendous crimes during the Nazi regime must not be forgotten, not suppressed, not set off or denied. Therefore, we strive to keep alive the memory of Jewish life destroyed in the name of our people, and to work towards ensuring that Jews can live among us in peace today."

The website is a joint project of three Lüneburg institutions:

Logo der Gesellschaft für Christlich-Jüdische Zusammenarbeit
Society for Christian-Jewish Cooperation Lüneburg e.V.

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Logo der Gesellschaft für Christlich-Jüdische Zusammenarbeit
Lüneburg Museum

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Logo der Geschichtswerkstatt Lüneburg e.V.
History Workshop Lüneburg e.V.

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Research, Texts, and Editing

Anneke de Rudder

Additional Research

Käte Gudemann and Joachim Wendebourg

Consultation and Support
  • Prof. Dr. Heike Düselder and Dr. Ulfert Tschirner, Lüneburg Museum
  • Hans-Wilfried Haase, Dr. Herwig van Nieuwland, and Maja I. Schütte-Hoof, Society for Christian-Jewish Cooperation
  • Maren Hansen, History Workshop Lüneburg
Database Development and Maintenance, Web Design

Dipl. Inform. Ralf Friedrich, Lüneburg, UB-CON IT-Services

Logo Landschaft des vormaligen Fürstentums Lüneburg
Landschaft des vormaligen Fürstentums Lüneburg
(Corporation of the former Principality of Lüneburg)

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Logo Lüneburgischer Landschaftsverband
(Lüneburg Regional Association)

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We thank
  • all donors who generously supported the implementation of the project - and those who would like to support the maintenance and expansion of the website in the future,
  • the German Lost Art Foundation for funding provenance research at the Museum Lüneburg from 2014 to 2018, thereby facilitating a lot of biographical research,
  • and the Hanseatic Town of Lüneburg for sending an important signal for remembrance culture with its support of the new synagogue memorial in 2018.

Finally, our heartfelt thanks go to all those who have spent years researching the history of Jewish life in Lüneburg, who have shared their family histories with us, and who have provided advice and support for the project. Without their work, this website would not be conceivable.

Sharon Alexander, Ossnat Alon, Susanne Altenburger, Peter Asmussen, Hanno Balz, Dietrich Banse, Gabi Bauer, Steven Behrens, Sibylle Bollgöhn, Hans-Jürgen Brennecke, Mirjam Cohen, Becki Cohn-Vargas, Eliza Dvir, Gloria Fox, Daniel Göske, Ela Griepenkerl (verst.), Käte Gudemann, Mark Heineman, Kristina Heinemann, Murk Hein Heinemann, Karl Hellmann, Robert Kendall, Helen King, Danny Kolbe, Mike Lengel (verst.), Brigitte Lévy, René Lévy, Ruth Lustig, Miriam Mandelkow, Ruth March, Margaret McQuillan, Gideon Mazor, Peter Piro, Simon Posmontier, Werner Preuß, Nomi Raz, Eric Rhee, Melissa Rosenbaum, Susan Rosenbaum-Greenberg, Helga Schuessler, Reuven Stern, Miriam Umney, Ruth Verroen, Marianne Wakeling, Judy Zeller

Operator of the Website:
Logo MuseumsstiftungLüneburg

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